Angular Beginner FAQ
So you have been assigned to an Angular project? You need to get yourself up to date fast. Here are few questions that I asked myself during my Angular learning journey. Hope this will answer some of your questions.
Where do I start?
What are all these tools?
What is RXJS and Observables
- A Beginner’s Adventure with RxJS: Part I
- A Beginner’s Adventure with RxJS: Part II
- RxJS best practices in Angular
How do I interact with DOM?
What is Angular CLI?
How do I debug?
- A Guide To Debugging Angular Applications
- Everything you need to know about debugging Angular applications
Where can I find plugins?
What is SSR?
What is AoT?
- The Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler
- Angular: Writing AoT-friendly applications
- going production ready with Ahead-of-Time (AoT) compilation